Bestsellers from the Kindle Store - everybody wants to have these!


Waking up - again!

Yeah, was dormant for quite some time. When we started the site over 2 years ago, it was still a bit early. Kindle was an "early adoptor" product, not very mainstream. And Kindle and the like were available only on the US market. So interest in the site and our articles was limited - and as a result we abandoned the project, for the time being.

In the meantime things have developed. A lot.

Kindle itself has grown from a somewhat clumsy ugly something into a reasonably well designed (considering it is not from Apple...) sleek ebook reader.

The technology behind it has also trememdously evolved - from the displays to cloud-storage.

And last but not least the market has become pretty mainstream, and Kindle and other eBook-reader platforms are available internationally, the userbase has grown a lot.

Sooooo - guess what?


We will continue where we left off.

Expect updated Kindle product reviews and a lot of Kindle book reviews (both for the US/English-speaking world and for the German-speaking countries).

And of course there will be some spring cleaning, removing old clutter, outdated design, dead links, etcetera...

We are back.

Consider bookmarking us and/or adding to your feedreader, so you don't miss anything.

See you around!

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